If your electrics are found to be unsafe, it is important to take immediate action to rectify the issue. The dangers associated with unsafe electrics can range from electric shock, electrocution, or fire, so it's crucial to prioritise safety and ensure the electrical system is made safe.

If an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) has been carried out and your electrics are found to be unsafe, the electrician or electrical contractor who conducted the inspection will provide a report detailing the necessary remedial actions required to bring the installation up to standard. It is important to follow their advice and take the required steps to address any issues identified.

In some cases, this may require immediate action, such as the disconnection of the affected circuits or even the entire electrical supply until the necessary repairs have been carried out. Failure to address these issues could result in serious safety hazards or even legal consequences.

Additionally, if your electrics are found to be unsafe, you may need to inform your insurance provider, as they may require evidence that the necessary safety measures have been taken before covering any damages that may occur.

Overall, it's important to prioritise safety when it comes to electrics, and take any necessary steps to ensure that your electrical system is safe and up to standard. It is recommended to hire a qualified electrician to perform periodic inspections and maintenance of your electrical system to minimize the chances of unsafe electrics.