Below you will find a list of the questions I get asked on a regular basis.

In most cases, you can remain in your home during a rewire. However, it's important to discuss this with your electrical contractor to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the process. They may provide guidance on areas to avoid while work is ongoing.

Remember, open communication with your chosen electrical contractor is crucial. Discuss your concerns, expectations, and any questions you have before the rewire begins to ensure a smoother experience and satisfactory results.

The time required to repair the damage will depend on the extent of the work and the size of your home. A qualified electrical contractor should provide you with a timeline for both the rewire and the repair phase.

Reputable electrical companies often include repair costs as part of their overall rewire project estimate. Be sure to discuss this aspect during the initial consultation to avoid any surprises later.

Some noise and disruption are to be expected during a rewiring project, especially if walls need to be opened to access wiring. However, professionals strive to keep disruptions to a minimum and work efficiently to complete the project in a timely manner.

A professional electrical contractor can perform a thorough assessment of your home before the rewire begins. They can provide you with an estimate of potential damage and discuss the steps they'll take to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Choosing an experienced and reputable electrical contractor is key. Make sure to ask about their repair process, timeline, and whether they have experience in handling post-rewire repairs. Request references and read reviews to gauge the quality of their work.

Absolutely. You can help minimise potential damage by clearing the areas around electrical outlets, switches, and panels before the work begins. Removing fragile or valuable items from the work areas and covering furniture can also help protect them from dust and debris.

Yes, a reputable electrical company will ensure that any damage caused during the rewiring process is repaired. This typically includes patching holes, replacing removed trims, and restoring surfaces to their original state as closely as possible.

Normal damage during a full home rewire might include small holes or openings in walls, ceilings, and floors where new wiring is being installed. This could also involve temporary removal of floorboards, and chasing walls to access wiring routes.

A full home rewire involves replacing outdated wiring, switches, outlets, and other electrical components throughout your home. Some degree of disruption and damage is inevitable due to the nature of the work. However, with the right professionals and precautions, the impact can be minimised.

However, the amount of electricity generated will be lower compared to bright sunny days.

The efficiency of solar panels is affected by various factors such as the angle and orientation of the panels, temperature, shading, and the quality of the panels. Therefore, it is important to install solar panels in a location where they can receive maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day.

In addition, it is also important to ensure that the solar panels are properly maintained and cleaned to ensure maximum efficiency. Regular cleaning of the solar panels will remove any dirt or debris that may be blocking sunlight and reducing their efficiency.

In summary, while solar panels do not require constant sunshine to work, they do require adequate exposure to sunlight to generate maximum electricity. Proper installation, maintenance, and cleaning of solar panels can help ensure that they function efficiently and effectively.

Solar PV panels, also known as photovoltaic panels, are devices that convert sunlight into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. They are made up of multiple interconnected solar cells, which are typically made of semiconductor materials such as silicon.

When sunlight hits the solar panels, the photons (particles of light) excite the electrons in the semiconductor material, causing them to flow and create an electric current. This direct current (DC) electricity generated by the solar panels is then converted into alternating current (AC) electricity through an inverter, which can be used to power electrical appliances, equipment, and even entire buildings.

Solar PV panels are commonly installed on rooftops or open spaces where they can receive maximum sunlight exposure. They are designed to withstand various weather conditions and can continue generating electricity even on cloudy days, although their efficiency may be reduced.

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. They contain special cells called solar cells that are made of semiconductor materials like silicon. When sunlight hits these cells, it excites electrons, causing them to flow and create an electric current. This current can then be used to power various devices and appliances in your home or business.

An inline bathroom extractor fan is a type of fan that is installed in the ductwork rather than directly in the bathroom ceiling or wall. It is typically used in larger bathrooms or bathrooms that have complex layouts.

Overall, an inline bathroom extractor fan can be a good choice in situations where a standard bathroom extractor fan may not provide sufficient ventilation or where noise reduction is a concern. It's recommended to consult with a qualified electrician or bathroom contractor to determine if an inline bathroom extractor fan is the best option for your specific needs.

The best location for a bathroom extractor fan is directly above or as close to the source of moisture as possible. This is typically in the ceiling, above the shower or bath, or near the toilet. The fan should be installed in a position where it can effectively capture the moist air and exhaust it to the outside.

It's important to ensure that the fan is installed at least 3 feet away from any water source to avoid any electrical hazards. Additionally, the fan should be installed in compliance with local building codes and regulations, which may specify additional requirements for the fan's location and installation.

If you're unsure about the best location for your bathroom extractor fan, it's recommended to consult with a qualified electrician or bathroom contractor who can provide expert advice and ensure that the fan is installed in a safe and effective manner.

Be sure to get in touch with us if you require any more help

  1. Extraction rate: The extraction rate is the amount of air the fan can move, measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). You should choose a fan with an extraction rate that is appropriate for the size of your bathroom.
  2. Noise level: Some fans can be quite noisy, which can be disruptive if you're trying to relax in the bath or shower. Look for a fan with a low noise level, measured in decibels (dB).
  3. Energy efficiency: A more energy-efficient fan can help to reduce your electricity bills. Look for a fan with a high energy efficiency rating, measured in cubic feet per minute per watt (CFM/W).
  4. Humidity sensor: A humidity sensor can automatically turn the fan on when it detects excess moisture in the air. This can be a useful feature if you're forgetful or don't want to manually turn the fan on and off.
  5. Easy to clean: Over time, extractor fans can accumulate dust and dirt, which can reduce their efficiency. Look for a fan with easy-to-clean components, such as a removable cover or washable filter.
  6. Brand reputation: Choose a reputable brand that offers a warranty and good customer support. This can give you peace of mind that your fan will last and that you'll be able to get help if something goes wrong.

    By considering these factors when choosing a new bathroom extractor fan, you can ensure that you get a fan that is effective, efficient, and reliable. And if you're unsure about what fan to choose, don't hesitate to consult with someone on our team at L J Norton who can advise you on the best option for your specific needs.

Yes, owning an electric car will increase your electricity bill, but the extent of the increase will depend on a few factors.

  • Charging your electric car requires electricity, just like charging your phone or any other electrical device. The amount of electricity used to charge your electric car will depend on several factors, including the size of the battery, the efficiency of the charging system, and the speed at which you charge your car.
  • On average, charging an electric car at home costs around 14-20 pence per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The exact cost will depend on your electricity tariff and the efficiency of your charging system. To put this into perspective, a typical electric car with a 60kWh battery will cost around £8-12 to charge from empty to full.
  • If you are charging your electric car at home, your electricity bill will increase. However, the increase is likely to be offset by the savings you make on petrol or diesel. Electric cars are much cheaper to run than traditional petrol or diesel cars, with fuel costs typically around 2-4 pence per mile, compared to 10-15 pence per mile for petrol or diesel cars.
  • It's also worth noting that many electricity providers offer tariffs specifically designed for electric car owners. These tariffs can offer cheaper electricity during off-peak hours when demand is lower, which can help to reduce your overall electricity bill.
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  4. Once we have all the details required, we will email you an honest and accurate quote.

If you have any further questions in regards to our CCTV systems, please feel free to reach out and ask- Either via the contact us form on the website or send us a direct email- 

Yes, you can view your CCTV footage live, provided that your CCTV system is properly set up and connected to a monitor or a device with an internet connection.

Your CCTV system installed by L J Norton Electrical will be connected to a DVR (Digital Video Recorder), you can typically view the footage live by connecting a monitor to the DVR or if you have your smart phone connected this will also allow you to remotely view the footage from a smartphone.

Yes, the CCTV cameras L J Norton Electrical install have built-in infrared (IR) lights that illuminate the surrounding area at night. These IR lights emit a spectrum of light that is invisible to the human eye but can be detected by the camera's image sensor, allowing it to capture clear video footage in low-light or no-light conditions.

The answer to whether you need a smartphone to install CCTV depends on the specific CCTV system you are using. While many modern CCTV systems can be set up and controlled through a smartphone app, not all systems require a smartphone for installation or operation. It's important to check the specific requirements of the CCTV system you are considering before making a purchase to ensure it meets your needs and is compatible with the devices you have available.

The internet speed required for CCTV cameras will depend on a few factors such as the number of cameras and the quality of the video you wish to transmit. However, as a general guideline, you will need an upload speed of at least 1 Mbps per camera to ensure a smooth and reliable transmission of the video.

Ultimately, the decision to install CCTV should be based on your specific needs and circumstances. If you feel that CCTV could provide additional security for your property or business, then it may be worth considering. Consulting with a security professional like us who can also help you to determine whether or not CCTV is the right option for you, and to identify the best CCTV system to meet your needs.

A DVR, or Digital Video Recorder, is a key component of a CCTV system. It is the device that records and stores the footage captured by the cameras in a digital format.

The main function of a DVR is to capture and compress video data from the CCTV cameras, and then store this data on a hard drive for future retrieval. When connected to the CCTV cameras, the DVR continuously records footage in real-time, providing a reliable record of any activity that occurs on the premises.

By investing in a high-quality DVR, businesses and homeowners can ensure that they have a reliable and effective security system that can provide valuable evidence in the event of a security breach or incident.

CCTV or Closed Circuit Television is a widely used security measure that involves a network of cameras, digital recorders, and monitors that are all connected through a closed circuit. It's a reliable and effective way to monitor and record activity in a specific area, whether it's for home or business security.

Electricians who carry out EICRs should be registered with a professional body such as the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC)- L J Norton Electrical are registered with the NICEIC.

When choosing an electrician to carry out an EICR, it is important to look for someone who has the appropriate qualifications, training, and experience to carry out the work. The electrician should be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of electrical safety standards and regulations, and should be up to date with the latest developments in the industry.

In addition to qualifications and experience, there are a few other factors to consider when choosing an electrician to carry out an EICR:

  • Reputation: Look for an electrician who has a good reputation in the local area, and who has received positive reviews from previous clients.
  • Price: While price should not be the only consideration, it is important to choose an electrician who offers a fair and competitive price for the work.
  • Insurance: Make sure that the electrician has adequate insurance to cover any damage or accidents that may occur during the work.
  • Communication: Look for an electrician who communicates clearly and promptly, and who is willing to answer any questions you may have about the EICR process.

Overall, when it comes to carrying out an EICR, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced electrician who is registered with a professional body and has a good reputation in the local area. By doing your research and choosing the right electrician, you can ensure that your EICR is carried out safely and effectively, and that any potential safety hazards are identified and addressed.



A house may need to be rewired for a variety of reasons, including safety concerns, outdated or inadequate electrical systems, or renovation projects. 

Here are some of the common reasons why a house may need to be rewired:

  1. Age of the electrical system: If the electrical system is more than 30 years old, it may not be up to current safety standards, and may need to be rewired. Older electrical systems may have wiring that is degraded or frayed, or may not be designed to handle the electrical load of modern appliances and electronics.
  2. Wear and tear: Over time, the wiring and electrical components in a house can deteriorate due to wear and tear, leading to potential safety hazards such as electrical fires, shocks, or electrocution. Signs of wear and tear can include cracked or discolored sockets or switches, flickering lights, or frequent tripping of circuit breakers.
  3. Renovations or extensions: If you are planning to renovate your house or add an extension, you may need to rewire the electrical system to ensure that it can handle the increased electrical load. Rewiring may also be necessary to bring the electrical system up to current safety standards and to ensure compliance with local building regulations.
  4. Upgrades or changes to the electrical system: If you are planning to install new appliances, upgrade your electrical system, or make changes to the layout of your house, you may need to rewire the electrical system to ensure that it can handle the increased load and that it is up to current safety standards.
  5. Safety concerns: If you have concerns about the safety of your electrical system, such as frequent tripping of circuit breakers, burning smells, or signs of wear and tear, it may be necessary to rewire the electrical system to address these issues and ensure the safety of your house and its occupants.

A house rewire is the process of replacing the electrical wiring and accessories throughout a property. The process involves removing the existing wiring and replacing it with new wiring, along with new electrical accessories such as sockets, switches, and light fittings.

A house rewire may be necessary if the existing electrical installation is old, outdated, or in poor condition, or if the electrical system does not meet current safety standards. Rewiring a house can improve the safety and functionality of the electrical system, as well as provide an opportunity to update the electrical installation to meet the needs of modern living.

The process of rewiring a house typically involves the following steps:

  • Initial assessment: An electrician will assess the existing electrical installation to determine whether a rewire is necessary and to provide an estimate of the cost.
  • Planning and design: Once the decision to rewire has been made, the electrician will design a new electrical installation that meets the needs of the property and complies with current safety standards.
  • Preparation: Before the rewiring can begin, the electrician will disconnect the power supply to the property and remove any existing wiring and accessories.
  • Rewiring: The electrician will then install the new wiring and accessories throughout the property, including sockets, switches, and light fittings. The electrician will also install a new consumer unit (fuse box) to manage the distribution of electricity throughout the property.
  • Testing and certification: Once the rewiring is complete, the electrician will test the new electrical installation to ensure that it is safe and compliant with current regulations. The electrician will then provide a certificate of compliance (Building Regulations Compliance Certificate) to demonstrate that the work has been carried out to the required standards.

Yes, even if your property has been rewired, it is still recommended that you obtain an EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) to ensure the safety and compliance of your electrical system. This is because, over time, even new electrical installations can deteriorate and become unsafe due to wear and tear, environmental factors, or changes to the usage and load of the electrical system.

An EICR is a comprehensive inspection and testing of the fixed electrical installation of a property, including the wiring, circuits, and electrical accessories such as sockets, switches, and light fittings. The inspection is carried out by a qualified electrician or electrical contractor, who will identify any potential safety hazards or defects in the electrical installation, assess the overall condition of the installation, and provide recommendations for any necessary remedial work.

If your property has been rewired, an EICR is particularly important as it can confirm whether the rewiring has been carried out correctly and to the appropriate standard, ensuring the safety of your electrical installation. An EICR can also identify any other potential safety hazards or defects that may not have been addressed during the rewiring process, such as faulty wiring, outdated electrical components, or non-compliant electrical work.

In addition, obtaining an EICR can provide evidence of compliance with legal regulations and demonstrate that you have taken appropriate steps to ensure the safety of your property. In some cases, such as for landlords, an EICR may even be a legal requirement to ensure compliance with safety regulations and to protect the safety of tenants or occupants.

An EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) and PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) are two distinct types of electrical safety inspections, each serving a different purpose.

An EICR is an inspection of the fixed electrical installation of a building or property, including the wiring, circuits, and electrical accessories such as sockets, switches, and light fittings. The main purpose of an EICR is to identify any potential safety hazards or defects in the electrical installation, assess the overall condition of the installation, and provide recommendations for any necessary remedial work.

On the other hand, PAT testing is an inspection of portable electrical appliances, including devices such as computers, kettles, and power tools. The main purpose of PAT testing is to ensure that portable electrical equipment is safe to use and in good working order. This includes checking for any damage to the equipment or its power cords, verifying that the equipment is correctly grounded, and checking for any potential electrical faults or hazards.

While both EICR and PAT testing serve to improve electrical safety, they focus on different aspects of electrical systems. An EICR is a more comprehensive and detailed inspection of the fixed wiring and electrical installation, while PAT testing is a more targeted inspection of portable electrical equipment.

It is important to note that both EICR and PAT testing are important for maintaining electrical safety in a building or property. While an EICR may be carried out less frequently (typically every 5-10 years), PAT testing may need to be conducted more frequently (e.g. annually) depending on the nature of the equipment and its usage.



If your electrics are found to be unsafe, it is important to take immediate action to rectify the issue. The dangers associated with unsafe electrics can range from electric shock, electrocution, or fire, so it's crucial to prioritise safety and ensure the electrical system is made safe.

If an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) has been carried out and your electrics are found to be unsafe, the electrician or electrical contractor who conducted the inspection will provide a report detailing the necessary remedial actions required to bring the installation up to standard. It is important to follow their advice and take the required steps to address any issues identified.

In some cases, this may require immediate action, such as the disconnection of the affected circuits or even the entire electrical supply until the necessary repairs have been carried out. Failure to address these issues could result in serious safety hazards or even legal consequences.

Additionally, if your electrics are found to be unsafe, you may need to inform your insurance provider, as they may require evidence that the necessary safety measures have been taken before covering any damages that may occur.

Overall, it's important to prioritise safety when it comes to electrics, and take any necessary steps to ensure that your electrical system is safe and up to standard. It is recommended to hire a qualified electrician to perform periodic inspections and maintenance of your electrical system to minimize the chances of unsafe electrics.

An EICR is an acronym that stands for Electrical Installation Condition Report. It is a detailed inspection and testing of the electrical systems in a property, carried out by a qualified electrician or electrical contractor. The purpose of an EICR is to identify any faults, defects or potential hazards in the electrical installation and to assess its overall condition.

An EICR is typically required by landlords, homeowners, and businesses to ensure the safety of their properties and compliance with legal regulations. The inspection involves a visual examination of all electrical equipment, including sockets, switches, and lighting fixtures, as well as a series of tests to check for any faults or defects in the wiring, earthing, and other electrical components.

The electrician or electrical contractor will produce a detailed report outlining the results of the inspection and any necessary remedial actions required to bring the installation up to standard. This report can then be used as evidence of compliance with legal requirements, and also as a record of the condition of the electrical installation at the time of the inspection.