Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We strive to save you both time and money by combining the highest quality parts and equipment.

We are dedicated to delivering a fast, reliable and exceptional service, which we aim to agree and complete within the given time frame, every time.

We also guarantee that we will not leave the job until you are totally satisfied.

Take a look at what our customers have to say about us.


Why work with us?

At LJN Electrical we have a longstanding reputation for providing a quality service and an excellent standard of workmanship

  • We offer a truly personal experience with a named Project Manager and friendly professional engineers.
  • We appreciate the importance of working to a budget and we maintain an excellent relationship with our clients keeping them on track and up to date with the progression of their project
  • Here at LJN Electrical, we understand the need to meet the requirements of individual clients. We will always listen to our customers and try our utmost to deliver the best possible solution for you regardless of the size of the project
  • L J Norton Electrical realise the importance of compliance and working to industry standards. As well as being NICEIC Approved to give you peace of mind we have public liability up to £2,000,000 and public indemnity insurance up to £300,000 should you wish to see a copy we are only too happy to provide you with it.